Results from our customers (unfinished)
Budini has been managing tires with the help of computers for over 25 years, and our motivation continues because we learn something new everyday from the industry, from our customers or from our own research. The great part is that there is always a way to do things better, faster and cheaper than before as technology advances.It is not unusual that most of our customers experience more savings than they initially believed to be possible. It is very unusual for any of our customers to allow their savings to be publicized since it is considered an edge over the competition. What we can guarantee is that if you follow our guidelines you will reduce tire and fuel costs.
The results below are the real thing. By observing these results you should ask yourself these questions:
1. How much would this percentage of savings represent for my fleet?
2. What is my fleet willing to do to get results like this?
3. Am I able to analyze my tire information in this manner with what I currently use?
Managing tires is a science, it requires skill, discipline and commitment from those involved in order to achieve results. Like anything in life, if you commit to it you will reap the benefits.